Hello, my name is Nate Smith and online I’m also known as Vancano. I’m a copywriter by trade with expertise in SEO, content strategy and website analytics. To put it plainly, I fix marketing and content problems.
Need help? See the marketing services I help with.

The day job
Currently, I work as the internal consultant for SEO at the University of Huddersfield. This involves being the institutions resident expert in SEO, trainnig the marketing team in best practice, writing guidance and setting the strategy.
Formerly, I was the Head of Content at Simul Digital, a digital marketing agency in Wakefield, and before that I was the Web Content Officer for the University of Huddersfield; where I wrote content, advised on information architecture and lead on analytics for digital marketing and content performance.
As Web Content Officer my role was a hybrid between the technical understanding of digital with a creative understanding of content and editorial.
It’s important to note that all views expressed on this website are my own and do not reflect the views of the University of Huddersfield.
About this website
This is my personal blog. It’s my sandbox to run experiments, learn new technologies and write about things that don’t fit on my other websites.
Sometimes you need a place where you can store thoughts, play with ideas and find the fun in writing. That is this website.
What I’m working on
If you’d like to know what I’m currently working on then checkout my “Now” page.
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